Austen Said:

Patterns of Diction in Jane Austen's Major Novels


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everything should be done to it which she might think necessary, if the situation pleased her.
to come with her daughters to Barton Park, the place of his own residence, from whence she might judge, herself, whether Barton Cottage,
could, by any alteration, be made comfortable to her.
she would not be settled far from Norland.
she was going into Devonshire. —
It was within four miles northward of Exeter.
how exceedingly sorry he was that she had taken a house at such a distance from Norland as to prevent his being of any service to her in removing her furniture.
of waiting on Mrs. Dashwood as soon as she could be assured that her visit would be no inconvenience;
who wondered at his being so shy before company, as he could make noise enough at home.
at being unable to get any smart young men to meet them.
They would see,
only one gentleman there besides himself; a particular friend who was staying at the park, but who was neither very young nor very gay. He hoped they would all excuse the smallness of the party, and could assure them it should never happen so again. He had been to several families that morning in hopes of procuring some addition to their number, but it was moonlight and every body was full of engagements. Luckily Lady Middleton's mother had arrived at Barton within the last hour, and as she was a very cheerful agreeable woman, he hoped the young ladies would not find it so very dull as they might imagine.
to whom she was obliged.
His name,
was Willoughby, and his present home was at Allenham, from whence he hoped she would allow him the honour of calling tomorrow to enquire after Miss Dashwood.
whether he knew any gentleman of the name of Willoughby at Allenham.
"what, is HE in the country? That is good news however; I will ride over tomorrow, and ask him to dinner on Thursday."
"Know him! to be sure I do. Why, he is down here every year."
"As good a kind of fellow as ever lived, I assure you. A very decent shot, and there is not a bolder rider in England."
"Upon my soul,"
"I do not know much about him as to all THAT. But he is a pleasant, good humoured fellow, and has got the nicest little black bitch of a pointer I ever saw. Was she out with him today?"
Mr. Willoughby had no property of his own in the country;
he resided there only while he was visiting the old lady at Allenham Court, to whom he was related, and whose possessions he was to inherit;
"Yes, yes, he is very well worth catching I can tell you, Miss Dashwood; he has a pretty little estate of his own in Somersetshire besides; and if I were you, I would not give him up to my younger sister, in spite of all this tumbling down hills. Miss Marianne must not expect to have all the men to herself. Brandon will be jealous, if she does not take care."
"He is as good a sort of fellow, I believe, as ever lived,"
"I remember last Christmas at a little hop at the park, he danced from eight o'clock till four, without once sitting down."
"Yes; and he was up again at eight to ride to covert."
"Aye, aye, I see how it will be,"
"I see how it will be. You will be setting your cap at him now, and never think of poor Brandon."
"Ay, you will make conquests enough, I dare say, one way or other. Poor Brandon! he is quite smitten already, and he is very well worth setting your cap at, I can tell you, in spite of all this tumbling about and spraining of ankles."
of music and dancing he was passionately fond,
"My protege,
"that it rained very hard,"
"What is the matter with Brandon?"
"I hope he has had no bad news,"
"It must be something extraordinary that could make Colonel Brandon leave my breakfast table so suddenly."
"My dear madam,"
"recollect what you are saying."
"We must go,"
"It shall not be put off when we are so near it. You cannot go to town till tomorrow, Brandon, that is all."
"There is no persuading you to change your mind, Brandon, I know of old,"
"when once you are determined on anything. But, however, I hope you will think better of it. Consider, here are the two Miss Careys come over from Newton, the three Miss Dashwoods walked up from the cottage, and Mr. Willoughby got up two hours before his usual time, on purpose to go to Whitwell."
"Well, then, when will you come back again?"
"I hope we shall see you at Barton,"
"as soon as you can conveniently leave town; and we must put off the party to Whitwell till you return."
"Oh! he must and shall come back,"
"If he is not here by the end of the week, I shall go after him."
"I do not want to pry into other men's concerns. I suppose it is something he is ashamed of."
"You do not go to town on horseback, do you?"