Austen Said:

Patterns of Diction in Jane Austen's Major Novels


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A few weeks,
such unnecessary, such officious attention! Were the same fair prospect to arise at present as had flattered them a year ago, every thing,
would be hastening to the same vexatious conclusion.
years of happiness could not make Jane or herself amends for moments of such painful confusion.
how much the beauty of her sister re-kindled the admiration of her former lover. When first he came in, he had spoken to her but little; but every five minutes seemed to be giving her more of his attention.
as handsome as she had been last year; as good natured, and as unaffected, though not quite so chatty.
no difference should be perceived in her at all,
she talked as much as ever.
to dine at Longbourn in a few days time.
something of his concern
at having been prevented by business.
anything less than two courses could be good enough for a man
or satisfy the appetite and pride of one who had ten thousand a year.
Bingley had received his sanction to be happy,
his eyes likewise turned towards Mr. Darcy, with an expression of half-laughing alarm.
if left wholly to himself, Jane's happiness, and his own, would be speedily secured.
how little such a situation would give pleasure to either, or make either appear to advantage.
tell him that his kindness was neither unknown nor unfelt by the whole of the family.
the evening would afford some opportunity of bringing them together;
the whole of the visit would not pass away without enabling them to enter into something more of conversation than the mere ceremonious salutation attending his entrance.
he looked as if he would have answered her hopes; but, alas! the ladies had crowded round the table,
to be soon joined by him,
their carriage was unluckily ordered before any of the others,
no opportunity of detaining them.
she would get him at last;
engaged elsewhere.
He should be particularly happy at any time, etc. etc.; and if she would give him leave, would take an early opportunity of waiting on them.
Yes, he had no engagement at all for to-morrow;
to go down without one of her sisters.
Two obstacles of the five being thus removed,
she would not give in to it.
Bingley was every thing that was charming, except the professed lover of her daughter.
all must speedily be concluded, unless Mr. Darcy returned within the stated time.
all this must have taken place with that gentleman's concurrence.
there was reason to fear that her mother had been too ingenious for her.
Their situation was awkward enough; but hers
was still worse.
she was the happiest creature in the world.
the rapidity and ease with which an affair was finally settled, that had given them so many previous months of suspense and vexation.
the good wishes and affection of a sister.
all his expectations of felicity to be rationally founded, because they had for basis the excellent understanding, and super-excellent disposition of Jane, and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and himself.
unless when some barbarous neighbour, who could not be enough detested, had given him an invitation to dinner which he thought himself obliged to accept.
on his diffidence, and the little value he put on his own good qualities.
he had not betrayed the interference of his friend, for, though Jane had the most generous and forgiving heart in the world,
it was a circumstance which must prejudice her against him.
the luckiest family in the world,
marked out for misfortune.
to avoid the confinement of such an intrusion, and walk away with him into the shrubbery.
she was.
they never sat there after dinner,