Austen Said:

Patterns of Diction in Jane Austen's Major Novels


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"Dear ma'am, this kindness is quite unnecessary. Marianne, I dare say, will not leave her room again this evening. I shall persuade her if I can to go early to bed, for I am sure she wants rest."
"It would be unnecessary I am sure, for you to caution Mrs. Palmer and Sir John against ever naming Mr. Willoughby, or making the slightest allusion to what has passed, before my sister. Their own good-nature must point out to them the real cruelty of appearing to know any thing about it when she is present; and the less that may ever be said to myself on the subject, the more my feelings will be spared, as you my dear madam will easily believe."
"In this affair it can only do harm; more so perhaps than in many cases of a similar kind, for it has been attended by circumstances which, for the sake of every one concerned in it, make it unfit to become the public conversation. I must do THIS justice to Mr. Willoughby — he has broken no positive engagement with my sister."
"Ay, if we can do THAT, Ma'am,"
"we shall do very well with or without Colonel Brandon."
"You had better leave me,"
"I will leave you,"
"if you will go to bed."
"Dear Ma'am,"
"how good you are! But I have just left Marianne in bed, and, I hope, almost asleep; and as I think nothing will be of so much service to her as rest, if you will give me leave, I will drink the wine myself."
"Marianne is not well,"
"She has been indisposed all day, and we have persuaded her to go to bed."
"What did you hear?"
"You mean,"
"Mr. Willoughby's marriage with Miss Grey. Yes, we DO know it all. This seems to have been a day of general elucidation, for this very morning first unfolded it to us. Mr. Willoughby is unfathomable! Where did you hear it?"
"It is. But have you likewise heard that Miss Grey has fifty thousand pounds? In that, if in any thing, we may find an explanation."
"Her sufferings have been very severe. I have only to hope that they may be proportionately short. It has been, it is a most cruel affliction. Till yesterday, I believe, she never doubted his regard; and even now, perhaps — but I am almost convinced that he never was really attached to her. He has been very deceitful! and, in some points, there seems a hardness of heart about him."
"You know her disposition, and may believe how eagerly she would still justify him if she could."
"No, no, no, it cannot be,"
"she cannot feel. Her kindness is not sympathy; her good-nature is not tenderness. All that she wants is gossip, and she only likes me now because I supply it."
"Who can this be?"
"So early too! I thought we HAD been safe."
"It is Colonel Brandon!"
"We are never safe from HIM."
"He will not come in, as Mrs. Jennings is from home."
"I will not trust to THAT,"
"A man who has nothing to do with his own time has no conscience in his intrusion on that of others."
"I understand you,"
"You have something to tell me of Mr. Willoughby, that will open his character farther. Your telling it will be the greatest act of friendship that can be shewn Marianne. MY gratitude will be insured immediately by any information tending to that end, and HERS must be gained by it in time. Pray, pray let me hear it."
"I have NOT forgotten it."
"Good heavens!"
"could it be — could Willoughby!" —
"This is beyond every thing!"
"I have been more pained,"
"by her endeavors to acquit him than by all the rest; for it irritates her mind more than the most perfect conviction of his unworthiness can do. Now, though at first she will suffer much, I am sure she will soon become easier. Have you,"
"ever seen Mr. Willoughby since you left him at Barton?"
"What? have you met him to — "
"Is she still in town?"
"No, I do not think we shall."
"You are very good. My sister will be equally sorry to miss the pleasure of seeing you; but she has been very much plagued lately with nervous head-aches, which make her unfit for company or conversation."
"Excellent indeed. Their attention to our comfort, their friendliness in every particular, is more than I can express."
"Yes; he has very good property in Dorsetshire."
"Me, brother! what do you mean?"
"I believe about two thousand a year."
"Indeed I believe you,"
"but I am very sure that Colonel Brandon has not the smallest wish of marrying ME."
"Is Mr. Edward Ferrars,"
"going to be married?"
"Your expenses both in town and country must certainly be considerable; but your income is a large one."