Austen Said:

Patterns of Diction in Jane Austen's Major Novels


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“my aunt says that Colonel Forster and Captain Carter do not go so often to Miss Watson's as they did when they first came; she sees them now very often standing in Clarke's library.”
“It is from Miss Bingley,”
“With the officers!”
“I wonder my aunt did not tell us of that.”
“Can I have the carriage?”
“That would be a good scheme,”
“if you were sure that they would not offer to send her home.”
“I had much rather go in the coach.”
“But if you have got them to-day,”
“my mother's purpose will be answered.”
“My dearest Lizzy.
“I find myself very unwell this morning, which, I suppose, is to be imputed to my getting wet through yesterday.
My kind friends will not hear of
They insist also on my seeing Mr. Jones — therefore do not be alarmed if you should hear of his having been to me — and, excepting a sore throat and headache there is not much the matter with me. —
“Yours, & c.”
“I shall be very fit to see Jane — which is all I want.”
“No, indeed, I do not wish to avoid the walk. The distance is nothing when one has a motive; only three miles. I shall be back by dinner.”
“I admire the activity of your benevolence,”
“but every impulse of feeling should be guided by reason; and, in my opinion, exertion should always be in proportion to what is required.”
“If we make haste,”
“perhaps we may see something of Captain Carter before he goes.”
Jane was by no means better.
she would amuse herself for the short time she could stay below, with a book.
“I deserve neither such praise nor such censure,”
“I am not a great reader, and I have pleasure in many things.”
she could suit herself perfectly with those in the room.
“you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished woman.”
“I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at your knowing any.”
“I never saw such a woman. I never saw such capacity, and taste, and application, and elegance, as you describe united.”
her sister was worse, and that she could not leave her.
to have a note sent to Longbourn, desiring her mother to visit Jane, and form her own judgement of her situation.
“That is exactly what I should have supposed of you,”
“Oh! yes — I understand you perfectly.”
“That is as it happens. It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours.”
“Yes, but intricate characters are the most amusing. They have at least that advantage.”
“But people themselves alter so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever.”
“Indeed, Mamma, you are mistaken,”
“You quite mistook Mr. Darcy. He only meant that there was not such a variety of people to be met with in the country as in the town, which you must acknowledge to be true.”
if Charlotte Lucas had been at Longbourn since her coming away.
“And so ended his affection,”
“There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same way. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!”
“Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Everything nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination, I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away.”
having promised on his first coming into the country to give a ball at Netherfield.
it would be the most shameful thing in the world if he did not keep it.
“Oh! yes — it would be much better to wait till Jane was well, and by that time most likely Captain Carter would be at Meryton again. And when you have given your ball,”
“Your humility, Mr. Bingley,”
“must disarm reproof.”
“You have only proved by this,”
“that Mr. Bingley did not do justice to his own disposition. You have shown him off now much more than he did himself.”