Austen Said:

Patterns of Diction in Jane Austen's Major Novels


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"That is true,"
"I had not thought of that. This weather will keep many sportsmen in the country."
"It is charming weather for THEM indeed,"
"How much they must enjoy it! But"
"it cannot be expected to last long. At this time of the year, and after such a series of rain, we shall certainly have very little more of it. Frosts will soon set in, and in all probability with severity. In another day or two perhaps; this extreme mildness can hardly last longer — nay, perhaps it may freeze tonight!"
"At any rate,"
"I dare say we shall have Sir John and Lady Middleton in town by the end of next week."
"And now,"
"she will write to Combe by this day's post."
"Don't you find it colder than it was in the morning, Elinor? There seems to me a very decided difference. I can hardly keep my hands warm even in my muff. It was not so yesterday, I think. The clouds seem parting too, the sun will be out in a moment, and we shall have a clear afternoon."
"Good God!"
"he has been here while we were out."
"Depend upon it, he will call again tomorrow."
"For me!"
"It is indeed for Mrs. Jennings; how provoking!"
"You are expecting a letter, then?"
"Yes, a little — not much."
"You have no confidence in me, Marianne."
"Nay, Elinor, this reproach from YOU — you who have confidence in no one!"
"indeed, Marianne, I have nothing to tell."
"Nor I,"
"our situations then are alike. We have neither of us any thing to tell; you, because you do not communicate, and I, because I conceal nothing."
"Did you?"
"I do not know."
to write the next morning to her mother, and hoped by awakening her fears for the health of Marianne, to procure those inquiries which had been so long delayed;
could not suppose it to be to any other person.
what he meant?
"It cannot be generally known,"
"for her own family do not know it."
"How can that be? By whom can you have heard it mentioned?"
The real state of things between Willoughby and her sister was so little known to herself, that in endeavouring to explain it, she might be as liable to say too much as too little.
Marianne's affection for Willoughby, could leave no hope of Colonel Brandon's success, whatever the event of that affection might be,
though she had never been informed by themselves of the terms on which they stood with each other, of their mutual affection she had no doubt, and of their correspondence she was not astonished to hear.
"Good heavens!"
"he is there — he is there — Oh! why does he not look at me? why cannot I speak to him?"
"Pray, pray be composed,"
"and do not betray what you feel to every body present. Perhaps he has not observed you yet."
"Good God! Willoughby, what is the meaning of this? Have you not received my letters? Will you not shake hands with me?"
"But have you not received my notes?"
"Here is some mistake I am sure — some dreadful mistake. What can be the meaning of it? Tell me, Willoughby; for heaven's sake tell me, what is the matter?"
"Go to him, Elinor,"
"and force him to come to me. Tell him I must see him again — must speak to him instantly. — I cannot rest — I shall not have a moment's peace till this is explained — some dreadful misapprehension or other. — Oh go to him this moment."
"How can that be done? No, my dearest Marianne, you must wait. This is not the place for explanations. Wait only till tomorrow."
he was gone,
some kind of engagement had subsisted between Willoughby and Marianne
Willoughby was weary of it,
for however Marianne might still feed her own wishes, SHE could not attribute such behaviour to mistake or misapprehension of any kind. Nothing but a thorough change of sentiment could account for it.
Absence might have weakened his regard, and convenience might have determined him to overcome it, but that such a regard had formerly existed she could not bring herself to doubt.