Austen Said:

Patterns of Diction in Jane Austen's Major Novels


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how little such a situation would give pleasure to either, or make either appear to advantage.
tell him that his kindness was neither unknown nor unfelt by the whole of the family.
the evening would afford some opportunity of bringing them together;
the whole of the visit would not pass away without enabling them to enter into something more of conversation than the mere ceremonious salutation attending his entrance.
“If he does not come to me, then,”
“I shall give him up for ever.”
he looked as if he would have answered her hopes; but, alas! the ladies had crowded round the table,
“A man who has once been refused! How could I ever be foolish enough to expect a renewal of his love? Is there one among the sex, who would not protest against such a weakness as a second proposal to the same woman? There is no indignity so abhorrent to their feelings!”
“Is your sister at Pemberley still?”
“Yes, she will remain there till Christmas.”
“And quite alone? Have all her friends left her?”
“Mrs. Annesley is with her. The others have been gone on to Scarborough, these three weeks.”
to be soon joined by him,
their carriage was unluckily ordered before any of the others,
no opportunity of detaining them.
“Well girls,”
“What say you to the day? I think every thing has passed off uncommonly well, I assure you. The dinner was as well dressed as any I ever saw. The venison was roasted to a turn — and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch. The soup was fifty times better than what we had at the Lucases' last week; and even
Mr. Darcy acknowledged, that
and I suppose he has two or three French cooks at least. And, my dear Jane, I never saw you look in greater beauty. Mrs. Long said so too, for I asked her whether you did not. And what do you think she said besides?
She did indeed. I do think Mrs. Long is as good a creature as ever lived — and her nieces are very pretty behaved girls, and not at all handsome: I like them prodigiously.”
she would get him at last;
“Lizzy, you must not do so. You must not suspect me. It mortifies me. I assure you that I have now learnt to enjoy his conversation as an agreeable and sensible young man, without having a wish beyond it. I am perfectly satisfied, from what his manners now are, that he never had any design of engaging my affection. It is only that he is blessed with greater sweetness of address, and a stronger desire of generally pleasing, than any other man.”
“You are very cruel,”
“you will not let me smile, and are provoking me to it every moment.”
“How hard it is in some cases to be believed!"
"And how impossible in others!”
“But why should you wish to persuade me that I feel more than I acknowledge?”
“That is a question which I hardly know how to answer. We all love to instruct, though we can teach only what is not worth knowing. Forgive me; and if you persist in indifference, do not make me your confidante.”
“Next time you call,”
“I hope we shall be more lucky.”
“Can you come to-morrow?”
“My dear Jane, make haste and hurry down. He is come — Mr. Bingley is come. He is, indeed. Make haste, make haste. Here, Sarah, come to Miss Bennet this moment, and help her on with her gown. Never mind Miss Lizzy's hair.”
“We will be down as soon as we can,”
“but I dare say Kitty is forwarder than either of us, for she went up stairs half an hour ago.”
“Oh! hang Kitty! what has she to do with it? Come be quick, be quick! Where is your sash, my dear?”
to go down without one of her sisters.
Two obstacles of the five being thus removed,
“What is the matter mamma? What do you keep winking at me for? What am I to do?”
“Nothing child, nothing. I did not wink at you.”
“Come here, my love, I want to speak to you,”
she would not give in to it.
“Lizzy, my dear, I want to speak with you.”
“We may as well leave them by themselves you know;”
"Kitty and I are going upstairs to sit in my dressing-room.”
Bingley was every thing that was charming, except the professed lover of her daughter.
all must speedily be concluded, unless Mr. Darcy returned within the stated time.
all this must have taken place with that gentleman's concurrence.
there was reason to fear that her mother had been too ingenious for her.
Their situation was awkward enough; but hers
was still worse.